A Christmas Themed Re-Opening For Tuesday 1St December!

All clubs to re-open at 6am 1st December
West Wood Club will re-open on Tuesday 1st December at 6am when level 5 lockdown restrictions for the country are lifted. We then move to back to level 3 restrictions. Opening hours will be back to normal until the Christmas hours take effect on Thursday 24th December.
All club facilities will re-open and the health and safety protocols that were in place before closing which you are now all familiar with, must be followed to ensure we remain compliant and keep members and staff in a safe environment.
Under level 3 restrictions indoor fitness classes are not permitted, only individual training. During level 3 Leopardstown, Westmanstown and Sandymount were running outdoor classes weather permitting. These classes will continue to operate weather permitting until our new outdoor class structures have been finished in these clubs and Clontarf Rd.
We have also taken 2 of our indoor tennis courts in Clontarf Rd. and moved equipment from the main gym floor to this area to allow more space when working out.
Key points to remember when you visit the club:
We now actively encourage members to wear masks in all common areas of the club
If you are feeling unwell please do not attend the club
Social Distancing must be practised in all areas
Wash and sanitize your hands when you arrive, throughout your workout and when you leave the club
Entry only with swipe tag
Only card or contactless payments
You must carry a towel to the gym
Sanitize equipment before and after use
Bring your own mat
We also respectfully ask that you follow the advice of the government concerning contact with someone who is a suspected case or confirmed case of COVID-19 and the regulations regarding travel from a foreign country to Ireland.
The monthly direct debits will resume on 1st December and annual paid memberships will be extended.
The return of our members & staff along with a sprinkle of festive spirit in the clubs will lift the mood. Let’s bring back the West Wood Club magic. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
In the meantime, keep safe and well.