Fat Burning Zone
Weight loss sessions at the fat burning zone
Need to drop weight? Lose body-fat? Or trim a few inches? Our fat burning zones are perfect for you.
Every West Wood Club now has a dedicated Fat Burning Zone to help you quickly strip away unwanted body-fat. Each weight loss zone is packed with the most up-to-date calorie-burning gym equipment from around the world.
And we personally choose only scientifically-proven fat reducing equipment.
Get the professional weight loss advice and help you need
We don't just give all the equipment you need to quickly lose weight. We also provide you with the help, advice, training, and support you need to get the most from our fat-burning zones. Losing fat has never been this easy.
Burn as many calories as YOU want on each gym session
How much fat can YOU burn off in the weight-loss zone?
Use 3 to 4 of the calorie burning machines at the Fat Burning Zone for about 10 minutes each. That’s 30 to 40 minutes in total. And you can burn up to 1,000 calories of FAT on each session.
Each machine in your fat burning zone is fully adjustable – making it easy for anybody to lose unwanted body-fat no matter what their age or fitness level. You can set the fat burning machines as easy or as hard as you like. Our trainers will even show you exactly how to set up and use each piece of equipment in the fat-burning zone.
Get more fat burning equipment the any other Dublin Gym
To lose fat you need to burn calories. Here’s approximately how may calories you can burn in an hour at our weight loss zones…
Treadmills – 1,200 calories
Bikes – 1,000 calories
Elliptical trainers – 1,400 calories
Stair climber – 1,000 calories
Cybex Arc trainers – 500 calories
Cross trainers – 950 calories
Freemotion Weight Loss Treadmill – 1,100 calories
Helix Lateral Trainer – 800 calories
Stairmaster Free-climber – 550 calories
Stratus Recline Bike – 800 calories
Cybex Recline Bike – 800 calories
Cybex Treadmill – 1,200 calories
Stratus Upright Bike – 1,000 calories
Cybex Upright Bike – 1,000 calories
Octane Crosstrainer – 800 calories
Cybex Arc Trainer – 600 calories
Nautilus Weight Loss Treadclimber – 800 calories
Stairmaster Stepper – 700 calories
Stairmaster – 1,400 calories
Octane Bike – 1,000 calories
Precor Crosstrainer – 800 calories
Stairmaster Rower – 700 calories
Technogym Wave – 400 calories
Concept2 Rower – 1,100 calories
Stairmaster Weight Loss Bike – 1,200 calories
Sparc Trainer – 1,000 calories
Gravity Training – 350 calories
Fitness By Light – 1,200 calories
Walk, cycle, run, climb, and step your way to a slimmer, sexier body.
Want to start losing weight today?
Start with an easy walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes. Move to the revolutionary Octane Cross trainer for another 10 minutes. Then hop on the bikes, climbers or rowers for another 10 to 15 minutes.
Do this 3 times a week and you will quickly see unwanted excess body-fat drop off. Tight clothes will suddenly feel loser. Jeans will fit better. Your waist will reduce. Love handles will disappear. You will fee confident about how you look.