How To Stay Fit During Covid

Kathy O’Meara discusses how to stay fit during Covid
Many of us think about how to stay fit during COVID? Maintaining fitness, good nutrition, and regular exercise can be a challenge for us all during these extended lockdowns.
Kathy O’Meara, is a specialist personal trainer, sports therapist and reflexologist at West Wood Club, Westmanstown. Kathy also operates the NEW Health and Wellness Suite at West Wood Club.
Here’s Kathy’s advice on how to stay fit during COVID lockdown.
How to Stay fit during Covid. Movement is Medicine.
Jess is a 42 year old mum. Prior to lockdown she would drop her children to school and whiz to the gym in time for BodyPump then her favourite BodyBalance. Saturday was triple treat day as she powered through BodyAttack, CX and The Trip. Jess was fit, healthy and felt she had just the right balance of strength and cardio training to match the demands of her busy lifestyle. Since lockdown she’s been home schooling and trying to squeeze in some On Demand workouts between different demands…
Steve is a delivery driver. Before lockdown he was busy enough, starting his day early to beat the traffic and squeezing his daily strength workout in at the close of the day. Since lockdown and Brexit, however, as a frontline worker he’s been pushed to the limit with longer hours, a more stressful way of working often with angry customers and uncooperative Customs. No gym open means he usually gets home exhausted, slumps on the sofa and eats whatever’s available…
Kate is a busy CEO close to retirement. She loves the pool in the early hours before work, sometimes mixing it up with a Sprint or RPM class, feeling on top of the world before the working day takes over. Since Covid she’s been working from home long hours, trying to keep her team motivated and profits on track. Despite best intentions she’s managed little exercise, feeling joints beginning to stiffen and waistline thicken…
Pete is studying for his Masters in Computer Science. He had a bout of the virus back in April and since has found it difficult to focus his mind on studying, and has been treated for depression. He’s feeling lonely and is missing his mates from Grit classes…
Thinking about how to stay fit during Covid
We’ve all been thrown in the deep end this year. Some have ploughed through finding different ways to move, different challenges, different motivations. Some have answered the siren call of the fridge/sofa/Netflix. Some have suffered through the virus and may still be suffering – either directly or indirectly – the last thing they’re worrying about right now is bench pressing. Wherever you are right now doesn’t matter, the key is to remember that we’re all muddling through the best we can and this will end one day. And we’ll want to be in the best shape – mentally and physically – to seize Life again.
Exercise during Covid
‘Whenever I feel the need to exercise I lie down until it goes away.’
We all have these days. Don’t beat yourself up. Be kind. Exercise is in itself a gift to the mind and body – not a punishment for all the banana bread you’ve hoovered. There’s many approaches to this – drag the dog out for his 10th walk of the day, stretch and meditate, build yourself a circuit and go full Tough Mudder. Whatever route you choose, it’s about keeping moving, building and maintaining strength, mobility, health and all-round wellness. When the gyms reopen, come and chat with us. Tell us where you’re at and we’ll build you a bespoke plan to get you gently and safely back to full fitness. We are here to show you how to stay fit during Covid.
And if you’re suffering after-effects we have exercise professionals trained in respiratory, circulatory, cardiac and cancer protocols. Just ask.
Wellness during Covid

‘Relax. You are enough.’
It’s one of the most difficult things to do – to take your hands off the reins, to let go and just be for a few minutes. But it can be one of the most enriching paths we can take for our wellbeing. Our hyper vigilant lifestyle impacts the health of our bodies, causing emotional and physical disharmony which can lead to stress-related illness, weight gain and depressive disorders. Switching off this fight or flight response triggers the parasympathetic nervous system to rest and digest, to heal and to strengthen our immunity. At West Wood we offer beautiful BodyBalance classes, serene yoga practice, breathing and meditation, and the power of touch – massage, reflexology and more in some of our Wellness hubs. We’re here to listen – everyone has a story to tell about how they’ve navigated the year. Share it with us.
Nutrition and hydration
‘A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.’ A.A.Milne
Now spring is here and ending lockdown a distinct possibility, our attention’s on our Covid kilos. We cannot out-exercise a poor diet, plus it shows in our skin, our health, even our general bearing. Look at the Mediterranean way of eating (loads of fresh fruit and veg, healthy fats, nuts, seeds and grains), reacquaint ourselves with water as a drink not a mixer, and do our bodies some favours from the inside out. Many of West Wood’s PTs are trained in nutrition and will be only too delighted to give you tips and strategies to get you back on the road to looking and feeling your best. All our Personal Trainers are here to show you how to stay fit during Covid.
‘Bring me Sunshine in your smile’ Morecombe and Wise
Go on, make someone’s day.
Jess, Steve, Kate, Pete and all our beloved members. We miss your faces, we miss the banter, we miss making a difference. We’ll be back soon with the biggest welcome ever for members old and new. Each and every one of you.
Kathy O’Meara is a specialist personal trainer, sports therapist and reflexologist.