Aston Quay Bank Holiday Classes Timetable

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Last updated: 26/02/2025

Live Classes

Time Class Duration Studio
11:00 Body Pump 30 Les Mills
11:45 LM Shapes 30 Les Mills
12:30 The TRIP 45 Cycle Studio
13:30 Body Balance 30 Les Mills

Virtual Classes

Time Class Duration Studio
10:00 Sprint 30 Cycle Studio
14:00 RPM 45 Cycle Studio
15:00 Body Pump 45 Les Mills
15:30 Sprint 30 Cycle Studio
16:00 Body Attack 30 Les Mills
17:00 The TRIP 45 Cycle Studio

Timetable for LIVE classes for Monday - 17th of March.

Opening Hours - 8:00am-8:00pm

  • Classes with an asterisk (*) have limited spaces. Please book at reception or gym desk on the day.

  • All our classes are over 16’s only unless included on Teen & Family Timetable.

  • Bring a sweat towel and water to keep hydrated and wipe down yourself and the equipment after use.

  • We ask that you please sanitise all and tidy away all equipment after use.

  • We recommend no more than 3 HIIT style classes a week.

  • Please notify our instructors of Injuries, Illnesses or pregnancy prior to class so that we can help you to move safely.

Aston Quay Fitness Class Timetables

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