SIX Months to Change Your LIFE

It is truly incredible what can be achieved in just six months once you make the decision to change your life!
Six months ago West Wood Club member, Ryan, made the decision to restart his fitness journey with our 6 Day Personal Training Plan in our Westmanstown club. He was assigned to one of our most dedicated personal trainers, Sam Lambah, and together they have achieved phenomenal results in a short span of time.
"I was so used to buying bigger clothes as a solution to a problem that was only getting worse."
"This has been one of the most challenging yet most rewarding journeys I have ever been on/am going through, both physically and mentally. I was so used to buying bigger clothes as a solution to a problem that was only getting worse. I still remember making the phone call to Westwood just over 6 months ago to re-join, I asked for the 6 Day program as I knew I drastically needed the help.
"I would have said the odds of me winning the lotto were more favourable than me saying that I enjoy spin or fitness classes..."
Thankfully, Sam was who I was assigned and I can honestly say he has helped change my life (not to sound to dramatic). From completely swapping my diet and drastically improving my non-existent fitness, I am still in awe with what I have accomplished. I would have honestly said that the odds of me winning the lotto were a lot more favourable than me ever saying that I really enjoy any spin or fitness class or even attending the gym at that! All in all, this has been one of the toughest journeys I have ever done and look forward to working with Sam to see how far I can go and better myself even more!"

11st 9lbs Down and Things are Looking UP!
To date, with Sam's guidance Ryan has lost over 11st. 9lb / 73.9kg. The support and counsel that Ryan gained from having a personal trainer, no doubt, were pivotal in his long term success. His decision to commit to the gym has paid off personally, and his presence in our Dublin 15 gym has had a positive effect on both staff and members, who have all loved following his success and dedication.
We can't wait to see what else these guys can achieve!
If you're inspired by Ryan's incredible achievement and want to experience our 6 Day Personal Training Plan for yourself enquire at your club TODAY.