Open Wednesday 1St July 6Am

Open Wednesday 1st July 6am
Finally, some great news!
West Wood Club are very excited to open the doors again to our members on Wednesday 1st July. The club hours will be as normal from this date forward. We will be opening all facilities except fitzone and childcare which will re-open at a later stage.
We really want to welcome you back to the same club that you left behind on Sunday 15th March. We want to make the changes that were forced upon us as simple as possible for you when you enter and navigate the club. Our ethos will not change………….”exercise is fun, together is better”.
Please understand that this has been one of the hardest challenges we have had to face. We are asking members to be kind and patient and to bear with us as we transition through this period of new policies and procedures. We are learning all the time and will continue to do everything we can to adapt to the constantly evolving situation.
We have implemented some changes that are designed to keep you safe in the environment you train in. We have these policies and protocols positioned and highlighted throughout the club and ask that you fully respect them. Our staff will be on hand to help you every step of the way and to answer any queries that you may have.
We have maximum capacities highlighted for many areas throughout the clubs such as: stretch area, weights area, studios, toilets etc. We have increased all our sanitation points. We have placed every second piece of cardio equipment out of use. We have moved equipment around to allocate more space to comply with social distancing. We have removed all difficult to clean equipment such as skipping ropes, TRX straps, therabands, power bags & mats. In some clubs we have created two cycling studios. We have readjusted our timetables with a 15 minute turnaround time in between classes for sanitation spraying. We have put some lockers out of use to help maintain social distancing.
We know it has been a long time since you have been to the club. We know it is hard to get back on track and we don’t want to make your visit to the club stressful. Gyms are safe. But we do need your help! Please see below some of the important points that that we need you to follow:
If you are feeling unwell please do not come to the club
Social Distancing must be practised in all areas
Wash and sanitize your hands when you arrive, throughout your workout and when you leave the club
Entry only with swipe tag
Only card or contactless payments
You must carry a towel to the gym
Sanitize equipment before and after use
Bring your own mat
We would also respectfully ask you to inform us if you come in to contact with someone who has COVID-19 or if you test positive and have used the club in the last 14 days. This information will remain in strict confidence. We will notify members that there has been a case of COVID-19 disclosed to us and give the date, time and area used. We wish to be notified so we can inform those who have used the club during this period and also to engage the services of our contractor to bio-hazard disinfect the club facilities.
During our closure we started cosmetic upgrades in some of the clubs. We are also in the middle of gutting and fully refurbishing our Leopardstown spa area which will be amazing when finished. This area will take a few more weeks to be ready but will be worth the wait. The pools are fully operational.
Our staff will be fully trained before they welcome you back to the club. They will know the importance of all the measures we have put in place to make the clubs a safe environment to be in. Please do not be offended if staff or management ask you to leave the gym areas for not following our rules. It is a learning curve for them too so please respect them and be kind.
We are learning every day as we move along. We are not going to get it 100% right first time around. We welcome and value your suggestions and if there are any shortcomings please let us know. Once we are aware of them, we will immediately rectify.
West Wood Club staff and management are really looking forward to welcoming you back. We have missed the fun, the smiles, the banter, training together and most importantly our friends.
We want to get you fit and healthy again and we want to make it fun.
See you all on Wednesday 1st July for a new beginning.
The West Wood Club Management Team